Saturday, February 4, 2017

Stay Informed Locally and Nationally

An important part to being knowledgeable about politics is to understand how certain policies and orders will directly affect your state and county.  Keeping up with Trumps executive orders and what all they encompass is confusing enough as it is- but we still need to be aware of how they are effecting us at home.  This article, titled “The State of Texas: Abbott Implements Hiring Freeze, Promises Sanctuary City Ban in Speech” already gives away much of how this is impacting us just in the title alone.  This specific article is one of the more recent published from “The Daily Post” found on The Texas Monthly politics page.  I found the points discussed in the article easy to relate to, especially with the proposed Sanctuary City Ban- which would affect Austin and Travis County directly.  Continue reading the article to become up to speed with Governor Abbotts response to some of Trumps executive orders.  

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